Tuesday, October 9, 2007

HOA News: Board Election Results

The 2nd Reconvened Annual Meeting was a Success. Thanks to the members for sending in your ballots and/or attending the 2nd Reconvened Annual Membership Meeting on September 26, 2007. With your help, a quorum of 25% was established and two (2) board positions were filled. There were only two vacancies to be filled at this time.

For your information and pursuant to California Civil Code, the ballots were tabulated as follows:
We had 3 candidates for 2 open seats.

Number of Units – 367

Number of Ballots needed for Reconvened – 92 (25% of 367)

Number of Ballots cast: 92

Brent Kuykendall 69 votes (elected)
Keith Greener 60 votes (elected)
Todd Philips 53 votes **

**Following the Annual Meeting of the Members the Board held their regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the Board of Directors. At this meeting, Kurt Klimpel resigned from the Board and Todd Philips was appointed to the Board to fulfill the remainder of Kurt Klimpel’s term of office. The Board will hold their Organizational Meeting for determining positions at next month’s meeting when more Board members can be present.

Your current Board members are as follows: Howard McLawhorn, Keith Greener, Brent Kuykendall, Jay Wurtzler and Todd Philips.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Scripps Ranch News: Marshall Middle School Bus Program

The Marshall Middle School Bus Program has been approved by the School Board. Now, we would like to give you the latest updates on the new Marshall Middle School, including current enrollments in the busing program. The deadline for enrolling your children in this program has been extended to June 29. If you have children attending the new Marshall Middle School in the fall, we encourage you to consider this program carefully, and share this information with your friends. The update below contains details, and important contact information.

We are excited about moving forward. We have more than 380 deposits but we still need more students to sign up in order to engage as many of the initial sites as possible.

SDUSD agreed to manage the program and assume the insurance liability; therefore MMS parents are only responsible for the actual cost of the private bus vendor.

Cost is $550 per student/per year, or approximiately $15/week.

The deadline for deposit refunds has been extended to June 29th.


Gordon Boerner
President, SRCA

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Scripps Ranch News: Rattlesnake Alert

We wanted to let you know about a rattlesnake bite that happened at a Scripps Ranch park over the weekend and to warn you about rattlesnakes in our community. A baby rattlesnake bit a young boy at Cypress Canyon Park on Sunday, June 3, during a Scripps Ranch Girls Softball League tournament. The victim—a 3-year-old boy from Irvine—was bitten twice, once on each leg, while playing on a hill surrounding the Cypress Canyon softball fields. Scripps Ranch Fire Engine 37 and Medic-Rescue 37 (our ambulance) responded to the call and transported the patient. According to Don Robinson, SR Girls Softball League president, as of Monday, June 4, the little boy is in ICU in stable condition at Rady Children’s Hospital and is expected to make a full recovery.

We are in the midst of "rattlesnake season," which is from April to October. To avoid rattlesnakes, stay away from tall grass or heavy brush, which is prevalent in many areas of Scripps Ranch. Baby rattlers are considered especially dangerous. They are born with a full supply of venom and cannot control the amount of venom they inject into their victim. Adult rattlesnakes usually only inject a portion of their venom when they bite.

In case of a rattlesnake bite, call 911 immediately. If you cannot call 911, get the victim to the nearest hospital as quickly as possible. According to recent research, snakebite kits are widely regarded as ineffective or even harmful if improperly applied. The only true treatment to counteract snake venom is antivenin. Only a doctor at a medical facility can give this. Therefore, the best treatment for any snakebite is immediate medical help. Keep the patient calm and immobilize the injured extremity—assuming that’s the location of the bite. Do not apply ice, tourniquets, constricting bands, and especially do not cut the skin to attempt to extract venom.You can get more information about snakebites from the FDA website at [http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/995_snakes.html]. Obviously more information also can be found on the Internet.

Also, please be aware that black widow spiders have now been found at both Hoyt Park and the Forestview tot lot in the past week.


Gordon Boerner
SRCA President

Thursday, June 7, 2007

HOA News: Association Fence Painting

June 07, 2007 - Fence Painting Project Almost Complete!

We are in the last phase of the Fence repair and painting project. Pro Tech will be completing all of the remaining fences within the next 30 days.

You have noticed that the painters did not paint any interior fences. If you wish to paint your interior wrought iron fence please see the paint description below.

In the upcoming HOA meeting the board will be discussing another maintenance issue relating to painting the exterior stucco walls.

Fence Paint Colors:
* Wood Fences - Old Quaker SD-611 (available at Frazee - Formula C2Y29,12Y12.5, B41.5)
* Wrought Iron - Sherwin Williams SW 2708